"Transition" bagi Qays.... perkongsian buat semua ibubapa dan guru

Assalamualaikum semua..


"The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another"..

Transition bukan sahaja perubahan aktiviti di dalam kelas tetapi merangkumi perubahan bagi anak kecil dari tempat ke tempat (contoh perubahan sekolah), perubahan umur (contoh dari umur 2 ke 3 tahun), perubahan situasi (contoh dari menjadi anak tunggal, kene menerima kehadiran adik baru) dan juga banyak lagi perubahan yang berlaku dalam hidup anak kecil.

Kenapa "tansition" tu penting??
"Transition" boleh memberi efek kepada emosi anak anda jika anda tidak mengambil tahu tentang bagaimana menghadapi situasi transition tersebut. Ia mungkin akan membuatkan anak anda murung, tak bersemangat dan rase tidak disayangi jika.

baca lebih lanjut tentang transition:

(dan banyak lagi bacaan yang anda boleh refer melalui journals di google)

Hari ni rase macam nak cerita pasal "transition" sebab nye saya sendiri pon tengah belajar cara2 yang efektif untuk bantu Qays (nephew) dalam menghadapi "tansition" memandangkan Qays baru berumur 3 tahun dan Qays tak pernah bersama mana2 orang luar selain family dia. 

Disebabkan keadaan, Kami dalam dilemma untuk hantar Qays ke rumah pengasuh atau Playschool.. selepas berfikir panjang, kami mengambil keputusan untuk hantar Qays ke playschool dan daycare..

Apa perkara pertama yang saya lakukan adalah meminta pendapat dari rakan2 pengajar yang mempuyai background in Early Years Education.. lebih baik refer pada yang pakar.. di sini saya antara comment mereka..

TEACHER A: as a teacher,I recommend you do both..let him know you're going out later but be discreet when going out..and the most important, don't come rushing back in when he cries out loud..be strong for him even if your heart is breaking.. not coming back will convince him you trust his teachers to take care of him and he will eventually trust them too..it will not be easy but worthy when see him going in by himself in due time smile emoticon..

TEACHER B: Maybe give him warnings like "in five minutes mum is going to go but I'll only be gone for a little while". Talk to the teacher before you leave if your concerned and they can help settle him. It's really important to say goodbye to him and leave when you say you will leave, don't drag it out. Dragging it out only causes confusion and leaving without saying goodbye can give him trust issues that you will sneak out and leave anytime you say your going to the bathroom or something. 
It will be really hard, but worth it in the long run.

TEACHER C: You have to tell him. As a childcare worker, I've seen plenty of parents do the "sneaking out" thing, I think I may have done it myself with my first child. Now I don't let a new parent leave without educating them about it. And mostly they are very hard on themselves, but they weren't to know, Hell I didn't know myself! It's great that you're investigating this before your little guy starts, it shows how caring, consideration & respect for the child.

Ok, when a parent leaves secretly, the last thing they see is their child playing happily, and are satisfied. What they don't see is the child looking for their mother with growing terror and desperation. That's what the worker sees.
All of a sudden-Mummy's gone. And she didn't say goodbye, & crucially, didn't say she'd be back. Maybe she's not coming back. And its a strange place full of strange smells & strange food & strange rules. And the people are strangers. They're saying Mummy will be back but they don't know, maybe she can't come back.

And that's the thought process. More secure children can be calmed & cheered up, some wear themselves out & merely cry silently all day. But I've personally seen two situations where the mother had to be summoned, because the children's hysteria reached a dangerous point; I saw a little girl hold her breath until she turned blue, another poor kiddie started vomiting every 30 seconds. The wonderful room leader put her foot down & told the mothers to return ASAP, the children were actually undergoing trauma.
However these were extreme cases, & those children indeed fell into the "insecurely attached" category, and indeed had very good reasons for being insecure. But most mums are horrified to hear of their children's unhappiness..

Thus, clear communication is best. "I'm going now, but I will be back in 2 hours." It is often helpful to start with a shorter time? I don't think staying for an hour & a half is helpful? Stay for twenty minutes, & only leave the child foe an hour? The next time 2 hours, then 3 & so on. And always be honest about the length of time.
The child may become upset, but they won't be terrified, keep repeating the same information. And after they've seen you keep your word, it will get easier. Now they KNOW without a doubt that you'll return exactly when you promised you would, & they can cease worrying & start to enjoy their time without you...

Hari pertama Alhamdulillah berjalan dengan baik..

okey ye.. 




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